new advocacy group: International Down Syndrome Coalition for Life

I am very pleased to share the following news with you all: Diane Grover (Hidden Treasures the Trisomy 21 Journey and Erin and Mary Ellen's Excellent Adventures)
has started a new, pro-life Ds advocacy group.

Diane wrote: Here's what I said to the NDSC:

"I want to share a new organization with you. It is called the
International Down Syndrome Coaltion For Life. We are a group that
formed out of a need for those of us in the Ds community, who are pro
life, to have a voice.
We greatly respect that you all can not take a stance on this
issue, and we support you in that decision. In response, we have
formed a coalition of parents, professionals, and physicians who are
pro life, who do want to tell the world that all life is precious,
including our kids!
We are non partison and non religious. Our common threads are
that we are part of the ds community and we promote the dignity and
respect for all life.
We just thought you may like to know this is available to others
who might want to know it is out there. We hope to be able to be a
voice from a pro life perspective."

The NDSC is supportive of our decision to form, and I am glad.
Hopefully they will encourage those who call them about this issue to
contact us. We are excited about this new venture, and we hope that
if anyone is interested in helping us, they will contact us. God
bless. Diane
International Down Syndrome Coalition for Life

If you are interested in becoming a member or helping out in any capacity, just go to the website to send a message.


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