Welcome to our new home away from home!

The DSIE list serv was started by three moms who believe that it is impossible to make an informed decision without knowing all of the facts. We were simply tired of being told what we could, or could not talk about on other list servs, so we started DSIE with the premise that adults are fully capable of calmly and politely discussing any topic relative to down syndrome when given a little freedom to do so.

We have not been disappointed and have a wonderful list serv full of incredibly helpful people who are always ready and willing to help.

In an effort to reach as many people as possible with all the wonderful information, we decided it's time to join the blogging community. We will be posting things of interest and also
add all the wonderful information from the DSIE listserv. We look forward to learning from all of you reading here as well.

Kathy & Carol


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